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Summer Concurrent Enrollment (Summer CE) | Littleton Public Schools

Summer Concurrent Enrollment (Summer CE)

We are so excited to share that we will be offering the LPS Summer Concurrent Enrollment program for a third year.  This program provides a great opportunity for students to earn FREE college credit while in high school.

This is NOT LPS Summer School for credit recovery. Summer CE is an opportunity for students seeking college credit opportunities.

Registration begins on March 1, 2025, and ends on May 27, 2025.

  • Adjunct professors will post their schedule (format, days, times) in the left column of this webpage by March 1st.
  • We would like a minimum of 8-10 students per class for each class to run. 
  • Classes will be capped around 25, so spots are limited.

Who | All current 9th-11th graders can apply, that can meet the prerequisites. Seniors can register if they are also participating in the ASCENT program.
When | May 28 - June 27, 2025
Time | 10 a.m. or 1 p.m. classes   ~3-4 days a week
Time | 2-3 hours per day depending on the # of credits
Where | EPIC Campus
Dates | May 28th - June 27th

Courses To Be Determined -  must have the minimum number of students to run |

ACC1001: Fundamentals of Accounting
ENG1021: English Composition l 
FIW1018: Introduction to Turning 
FIW1022: Wood Carving
HIS1310: Western Civilization - Antiquity 1650
HUM1015: World Mythology
MAT1260: Introduction to Statistics 
PSY2552: Abnormal Psychology

Disability Access Services | Process
Transportation | On your own
Grades | These courses are part of your high school transcript and GPA
Drop and Withdrawal Dates - Student Summer CE Guidance Document

Summer CE Schedule 2025

Registration starts March 1st, 2025

Learn more about LPS Concurrent Enrollment: 
Concurrent Enrollment | Course Offerings | ASCENT/TREP

CE 2024 Summer Course Schedules

Accounting 1001
Fund of Accounting
Adjunct Professor | Carla Thomas
Schedule | Description
Syllabus | Google Classroom

English 1021
English Composition l
Adjunct Professor | Kate Dusto
Schedule | Description
Syllabus | Google Classroom

FIW1018 Wood Working
Introduction to Turning
Adjunct Professor | Brian Jernigan
Schedule | Description
​Syllabus | Google Classroom

FIW1022 Wood Carving
Wood Carving
Adjunct Professor | Brian Jernigan
Schedule | Description
​Syllabus | Google Classroom

History 1310
Western Civilization
Adjunct Professor | Jackie Price
Schedule | Description
​Syllabus | Google Classroom

Humanities 1015
World Mythology
Adjunct Professor | Steve Miles
Schedule | Description
Syllabus | Google Classroom

Math 1260 Intro to Stats
Intro to Statistics
Adjunct Professor | 
Schedule | Description
Syllabus | Google Classroom

PSY 2552
Abnormal Psychology
Adjunct Professor | Jeff Corson
Schedule | Description
​Syllabus | Google Classroom

Contact Us

Sharon Westerman
Administrative Assistant to the Coordinator of Post Secondary

Dana Levesque
Coordinator of Post Secondary |Concurrent Enrollment CE and Career and Technical Education CTE